Monday, August 29, 2011

Busy, busy, busy...

I can't believe we're already two weeks into school. We've covered quite a bit of material. Since we were joined by a new student today, we took the opportunity to summarize and review what we've covered thus far.
  • Object Oriented Programming (vs. linear or process-oriented programming)
    • Encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism
  • Classes and Objects
  • Reference types and Value types, and their respective relationships to the Heap and Stack
  • Various data types: int, long, char, decimal, Boolean, string, etc.
    • Hexadecimal number system (stemming from a question about why numeric data types have the maximum values that they do)
So, to link several of these concepts together we drew up a Class Diagram about a vacation, complete with all of the Objects (classes) that would be used or needed for a vacation, then providing the necessary properties and methods for those Objects.

Homework: Create a Class Diagram describing tonight's football game (you know, the one where the Bruin's are going to stomp CAC... that one).  Make sure to identify at least five Classes, with appropriate properties and methods for each.  This is due on Wednesday. 

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